Though a postage stamp is not especially necessary in a virtual land, it is a traditional attribute of any country. And we could not resist this beautiful design of the first Wirtland's postage stamp proposed by
Descartes, who says the cranes and other migrant birds are a universal symbol of freedom. Besides, it is a really unique gift for philatelists. The denomination of stamp is 10 ICU (International Currency Units, linked to gold price). The crane featured on the first stamp is red-crowned crane
or Japanese crane (
Grus japonesis).
Wirtland is a cybercountry and not a member of World Post Union, so our stamps are so-called
Cinderella stamps. Such stamps cannot be used as postage and are only for collectors. Wirtland stamps are hand-painted by professional artist in watercolor. As they are hand-made, the price is rather high. The price of 10 ICU stamp is same as
10 ICU gold coin. The series of postage stamps will be continued.
Now you can also order the

special edition
Wirtland Postage Mug. This collector's mug features the classic Crane stamp image, and was released to commemorate the second anniversary of Wirtland on August 14, 2010.
I am interested in getting the stamp with the crane, but I can't find contact in Spanish page or Esperanto text. Could anybody contact me at saliko69 at hotmail.com
Answered directly by e-mail
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