According to Proposal, “The Kingdom of Sweden officially assigns a piece of its territory, of any quality and size, to Wirtland. Sweden will have a major stake in future sales of land from this territory, agreed in contract”. Thereby the virtual state takes hold of official territory, which later would be offered for sale to people willing to become citizens of new country. The quality and size of territory do not matter: Wirtland will remain virtual community, as no buyer will physically move to Sweden. Presence of defined territory is a necessary condition for diplomatic recognition of Wirtland by international community, according to Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States. According to Article 1, to have sovereignty, a state must have a permanent population, a defined territory, and a government. Peaceful acquisition of even a small piece of territory by virtual community is a unique historical precedent, which opens door towards full official recognition of Wirtland, legitimization of Wirtland passports and other documents issued by virtual state.
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Wirtland (www.Wirtland.com, www.Wirtland.net, www.Wirtland.org) describes itself as an experiment into legitimacy and self-sustainability of a country without its own soil. Founded in 2008, Wirtland represents people from all five continents. Wirtland grants citizenships, issues ID cards, mints gold and silver money, is featured in Wikipedia, and has won considerable coverage by television and press. Sweden was among the first nations to open official Embassy in "Second Life" (a virtual world).
That is awsome..
Thanks to Sweeden.. :)
This is simply amazing...
But when it says "as no buyer will physically move to Sweden" what does that mean exactly? Will it be that small of a parcel of land,the legal aspect, or do we not have anyone willing to?
April 1st... we have to be careful about news on April 1st.
Because Sweden's being friendly to us, i think we should make Wirtland more friendly for swedish user's, I propose that Swedish be added as one of wirtlands offical languages.
If this is not a joke you can really express my deep gratitude to Sweden.
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