Wirtland, the first internet-based sovereign country (founded in 2018, population is over 8000), decided to seek funds for modernization online. For the first time in history, a populated country is listed on online trading platform.
Wirtland, August 29, 2019 - As the first sovereign cybercountry in the history of mankind founded in 2008, Wirtland has pioneered the world of virtual nations, which has been growing steadily since then.
Wirtland is based on the concept of a country that transcends national borders without breaching or lessening the sovereignty of any involved. Wirtland differs from online "virtual worlds": there is no computer-simulated environment, citizens do not use avatars, and may influence real politics, set up organizations, earn money. Wirtland issues real plastic ID cards, marriage certificates, registers businesses and other organizations.
Innovative in many ways, Wirtland became the first micronation to mint its own gold and silver (real) coins; was the first to launch versatile medical consultation services over the internet; granted citizenship to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Wirtland has announced a unique plan of acquisition of land, which, if successful, could be first case of peaceful formation of new country 'from scratch', making it eligible for international diplomatic recognition according to Article 1 of Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States.
Aug 29, 2019
Aug 14, 2019
Happy Wirtland Day!

As the first sovereign cybercountry in the history of mankind founded in 2008, Wirtland pioneered the world of virtual nations, which has been growing steadily since then.
Wirtland remains an evolving experiment in legitimacy and self-sustainability of a country without its own soil, and hopes to bring new energy and modern technologies into the project, by attracting a wholly new management team. We hope the new team will lead Wirtland to a higher level and make it even more attractive to people.
Mar 8, 2019
You can be the new ruler of Wirtland! ¡Puedes ser el nuevo gobernante de Wirtland! ВЫ МОЖЕТЕ СТАТЬ НОВЫМ ПРАВИТЕЛЕМ ВИРТЛАНДИИ!

In case of interest in acquiring all the assets and rights, including Wirtland.com and Wirtland.net domain names and websites, please email your proposal at any of our official addresses, or via social channels.
We hope the new ruler of Wirtland will continue our mission!
¡Puedes ser el nuevo gobernante de Wirtland!
Fundada en 2008, Wirtland es hoy el país virtual más grande y estable del mundo. Después de más de 10 años de crecimiento exitoso, los fundadores de Wirtland decidieron vender el proyecto.
Si desea adquirir derechos sobre todos los activos del proyecto, incluidos los dominios Wirtland.com yWirtland.net, envíe su propuesta a cualquier dirección de correo electrónico oficial o a través de nuestras redes sociales.
¡Esperamos que el nuevo gobernante de Wirtland continúe nuestra misión!

Если вы хотите приобрести права на все активы проекта, включая домены Wirtland.com и Wirtland.net, пожалуйста, напишите нам по любому из наших контактных адресов или через наши социальные сети.
Мы надеемся, что новый правитель Виртландии продолжит нашу миссию!
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