"Your example has vividly demonstrated how quickly and efficiently the internet can influence real life. While citizenship of a cybercountry may seem merely symbolic today, you know better than anybody else the potential of cyberspace and the role of web social projects in the near future. Wirtland offers our citizenship to show our support to your case, and our appreciation of your achievements," - states the Wirtland's letter to Mr. Assange.
Mr. Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, is currently under

Update added on January 7, 2011:
Breaking News: Wirtland is on the way to producing the new Wirtland Crane coin, which will bear Julian Assange's portrait - to commemorate his witizenship and raise support.
We announce a contest for the best text of inscription for the Assange coin. Please submit proposals as comments here, or email to contest3 (at) wirtland (dot) com. The winner gets the nation-wide praise and coins with his text.
"Bringer of Knowledge and Wisdom"
Text for the coin: ¨Truth shall set you free¨
Can't say I wanna sign up for any society where Assange is an honored member.
"Liberty through information"
"True information does good."
Julian Assange
WikiLeaks is a great idea. He made a lot of good work with transparency, such as Climategate. But he also potentially endanger troops and diplomatic relations between the countries recently. Such sensitive things are secret because it is right to be secretive. Assange pretty messed up it. For that, he doesn't deserve the admiration.
And I'm not sure if I want witizenship now...
(light upon the deception)
Aaron Wilde, Witizen
What about Snowden?
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